Step by step guide :Unreal Engine 5 and Real-time weather from any location

Madara Premawardhana
2 min readAug 1, 2023


Photo by USGS on Unsplash

Create an OpenWeatherMap Account:
Go to the OpenWeatherMap website and sign up for a free or paid account. You’ll need an API key to access their weather data.

Obtain API Key:
After creating an account, navigate to your account dashboard and find the section for API keys. Generate a new API key for accessing weather data.

Create a New Unreal Engine Project:
Open Unreal Engine 5 and create a new project. Choose the appropriate template or project settings according to your needs.

Install HTTP Plugin (Optional):
Unreal Engine has an HTTP plugin that allows you to make HTTP requests to external APIs like OpenWeatherMap. If it’s not installed by default, you can install it via the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

Create a Blueprint or C++ Class:
Decide whether you want to work with Blueprints or C++. Create a new Blueprint Actor or C++ class that will handle the weather data retrieval and processing.

Implement API Request:
In the Blueprint or C++ class, set up the logic to make an HTTP request to the OpenWeatherMap API using your API key. You can use Unreal’s HTTP functions or plugins like VaRest to handle the request.

Parse JSON Response:
Once you receive the API response, parse the JSON data to extract the relevant weather information (e.g., temperature, weather condition, humidity, etc.). Unreal Engine has built-in JSON parsing functions that can help with this.

Update In-Game UI or World:
Use the extracted weather data to update in-game UI elements or alter the game world based on the weather conditions. For example, you might change the skybox, lighting, or character behavior to match the real-time weather.

Handle Errors and Exceptions:
Implement error handling to manage cases where the API request fails or returns unexpected data. This ensures your game remains stable and responsive.

Test and Debug:
Thoroughly test your integration to ensure it’s working as expected. Check different weather scenarios and make sure the data is being updated correctly.

Handle API Limits (Important):
Be mindful of OpenWeatherMap’s API limits based on your subscription type (free or paid). Some plans might have restrictions on the number of requests you can make per minute or per day.

Remember that integrating real-time weather data into your game might require constant API requests, which could impact the game’s performance or create network-related issues. Consider implementing caching mechanisms and optimizing the frequency of weather updates to strike a balance between real-time accuracy and game performance.

Please note that specific details and API usage may vary based on Unreal Engine updates and OpenWeatherMap’s API changes. Always refer to the official documentation of both Unreal Engine and OpenWeatherMap for the latest information.



Madara Premawardhana
Madara Premawardhana

Written by Madara Premawardhana

PhD Student at the University of Buckingham, School of Computing

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